Looking north, the majestic remains of an organogenic cliff dating back to the Middle Triassic (Ladinic) rise in the distance. Today these rocks form the Dolomite massif of the Gartnerkofel (2195 m). At the base of its southern wall the rocks of the Pramollo succession develop, they were deposited about 70 million years ago. The two successions, respectively from the Triassic and the Upper Carboniferous periods, are connected along an ancient vertical fault. The fault was created many millions of years ago, initially by lowering by hundreds of meters the sector of the Gartnerkofel compared to that of Pramollo. In more recent times, powerful horizontal movements were added. The activity of this fault fractured and disrupted a layer of fragile dolomitic rocks that were many tens of meters wide. The presence of this tectonic surface can be recognised from afar due to the characteristic light coloured debris that marks its development. 

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